Sunday, December 17, 2006


You stand on the stark platform
under the lone glow
an island of attention,
a vulnerable picture –
pouring out your heart,
a river of candid songs.

How come such tenderness,
from a heart full of scars?
You teach me forgiveness
under a tungsten lamp.

O Songstress, O Songstress,
I hear this river of songs –
sometimes as fast as a flood,
now and again slow as twilight –
pouring out of your wounded heart.

How come such passion
from a soul full of fissures?
You teach me endurance
on a loney island.

O Songstress, O Songstress,
I hear this river of songs
sometimes soft as a whisper,
streaming out of your heart.

© Emman Usman Shehu

  • Published in the Sunday Sun, Lagos, on 26 November 2006. Reproduced with permission.