Here's a blog you should be checking out over the next few weeks. And thanks to Catwalq for drawing my attention to this web project, a sort of pass-the-baton story relay involving 12
bloggers-writers lasting about a month. The bloggers will write about something that takes place in the urban center known as 14th Street and Serenity Avenue. One starts the story, and the next blogger takes it up from there, taking his/her narrative cues from what the earlier contributor/s have written. Interesting. With contributors as diverse as Catwalq herself, our beloved UKNaija and the sassy Waffarian, there promises to be a variety of styles and perspectives. Something for everyone, so check it out.

The first instalment, 'Scorned', goes up on the blog today Monday.
have u seen it?
it turned out well....
thanks for ur help
I have seen it, Catwalq. And have read it, and linked it to this post too...
Good luck with the project.
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