I'd gone up to meet with Lauri Kubuitsile, with whom I'd collaborated on the One World Anthology, along with notable others on Zoetrope some years back. Lauri lives, blogs and writes full time from Mahalapye, Botswana; and is among 5 writers shortlisted for this year's Caine Prize for her short story, 'In the Spirit of McPhineas Lata'. From the Farafina workshop in Lagos, she heads straight to London for the Caine readings and the award proper, to be held on July 11.
Lauri is first left in the picture on the right; I'm next to her. Next to me is Wame Molefhe. Also from Botswana, Wame's been making strides in writing for quite some time. She used to be in the Crossing Borders project; we were both commended in the Commonwealth Short Story Competition in 2007 (African regional winner that year was Ellen Banda-Aaku, now the Penguin African Fiction winner). Wame is the author of the new short story collection, 'Go Tell it to the Sun'. For good measure, I was also meeting my fellow Nigerian, Chinyere Obi-Obasi, for the first time.
The Farafina Trust Workshop reading that closes this year's edition takes place next weekend, details to be confirmed.
This is a wonderful achievement I must say. I have waited so eagerly to be called, but the opportunity slipped by in a way. I commend you guys for this and wish you the very best.
Mikail Bashir
It was great to finally meet you Molara. I actually don't live in Gaborone I live in a village north of there called Mahalapye, just in case you want to come and visit. :))
The pleasure was mine, Lauri. Don't mind me about Gaborone. Shall correct it pronto
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