Tolu Ogunlesi's short story about a 14-year-old girl who asks the reader to avoid Made-in-Nigeria condoms - is published in the current issue of Litro.
Here's an excerpt from Seahorses...
This is where a diary comes in handy. Was it Janet Jackson or someone else who said a diary is where you can take your time to put the pieces of your life together. You have really matured, come a long way. From the infatuation-infested diaries of two years ago... A diary is where you can put your life together again. A diary is where you can play God. A diary is where you rule over time.
But there is a snag. You have never been good at creative writing. You remember only too well your literature teacher's remarks in your report card last term. Actually, you cant remember her exact words, but you remember the feeling you had when you held the card in your hands.
Now, here is another chance at creative writing, this time without the unease of knowing that some frustrated novelist posing as literature teacher might murder it with angry red ink.
So what's it all about? Are there seahorses in it? Read on.
pls make the article more legible for reading.Thanks.
If by 'article' you mean the image, then the idea is that you follow the links in the post to the Litro site - and you can read it there.
I never believed while growing up that a diary might be an avenue to let out feelings and gain the sanity back!
I never believed while growing up that a diary might be an avenue to let out feelings and gain the sanity back!
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